Episode 249 - “Good Enough”
by Glauco Araujo

Glauco Araujo is a Brazilian-born professional dancer and actor trained both in the U. S. and in Brazil. In Rio, Glauco danced with the Rio Dance Company (modern dance), as well as with the integrated dance company ANDEF (disability dance). In 2012 Glauco represented Brazil in the closing ceremony of the Paralympic games in London. And from 2015 to 2017 Glauco acted and danced lead roles at Momenta Dance Company with a repertoire including Doris Humphrey, Martha Graham and Charles Weidman, as well as classic choreographers like August Bournonville, Mikhail Fokine, Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa; and disability choreographers Alice Sheppard and Ginger Lane. At Momenta, a dance piece entitled Meloudious Marco was created for Glauco in which he was featured in the lead role of Marco.
Glauco was drawn to NYC in early 2017 and was given a scholarship in ballet at Alvin Ailey from 2017 to 2018.
Glauco has teamed several times, beginning in 2018 to the present, with the award- winning German dancer/director Severine Reisp. Their films have been recognized in a number of international film festivals: A Tango to Remember – Best Romance Film, Los Angeles Film Awards; Best Film, The Atman Film Festival; Cinematic Award Winner, Cyprus International Film Festival; Ruminate – Best Musical and Best Dance Choreography, Oniros Film Awards; Best Film, Los Angeles Film Awards. Another film, Lucid, written and directed by Juan Wang has received a Best Film award from The Heibei Television Artists Association.
Glauco has been thrilled to work alongside Broadway and West End actors Anthony Newfield, Alison Fraser and Karen Archer in Richard Alleman’s new play Adrift, playing the Brazilian, and provocative Zumba instructor, Flavio. Glauco has been honored to be part of special performances to benefit the Episcopal Actors’ Guild and the Cape May Stage. Reviewed in the Times Square Chronicles, “Betsy (Alison Fraser) longs for something more, alongside interactions of the less virtuous kind with the handsome and sweet-talking Flavio, played seductively by the appealing Glauco Araujo (Spielvogel’s Come Back Once More).”
Recently, Glauco performed in a short bio-pic entitled Dance for Freedom, highlighting the challenges people of color face today, and which has garnered recognition as the First-Place Recipient of the Dr. David Milch Foundation/CCNY Award in short film competition. In her review juror Timberkly Whitfield, program executive and producer for A&E, as well as a host on the History Channel and A&E, wrote: “Glauco Araujo is a beautiful dancer and you capture him in such a way that really moved me. I felt inspired by his story that even in the face of racism he doesn't see himself as a victim. Strong production values. You checked all the boxes on this one — FANTASTIC!”
Find more of Glauco:
Instagram: @glaucoaraujonyc
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GlaucoAraujo
Website: www.glaucoaraujo.com
A Statement from Glauco:
"I’m a fan of the podcast and listen to the stories I felt inspire to share. I went over my old notes, things that I wrote in the past. My main idea is to inspire other people, creating any kind of positive message so they continuing to believe in themselves no matter the circumstances."
Created during a time of quarantine in the global Coronavirus pandemic, A Moment Of Your Time’s mission is to provide a space for expression, collaboration, community and solidarity. In this time of isolation, we may have to be apart but let’s create together.
Concept by Jenny Curtis
Theme music by Chris Porter
Edited by Darra Stone
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