Episode 103 - “Commit Hairesy”
by Michele Mekel

Freeing the curls.
A statement from Michele:
"As a coily-haired girl, it took me decades to embrace my tresses. Now, as a crone, it's taking time to accept the strands of silver tinsel that arise from my crown. The challenges in acceptance, I realized, stem from outside--rather than inside. And that is just flat out not on. So this piece declares emancipation from external expectations related to hair and otherwise."
Living in Happy Valley, Michele Mekel wears many hats of her choosing: writer and editor; educator and bioethicist; poetess and creatrix; cat herder and chief can opener; witch and woman; and, above all, human. Her work has appeared in various academic and creative publications, including having her poetry selected and read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac. She is also a co-principal investigator for the Viral Imaginations: COVID-19 project (viralimaginations.psu.edu). She is based in PA, USA.
Find More of Michele:
Instagram: @ShaktiEnergy
Created during a time of quarantine in the global Coronavirus pandemic, A Moment Of Your Time’s mission is to provide a space for expression, collaboration, community and solidarity. In this time of isolation, we may have to be apart but let’s create together.
Concept by Jenny Curtis
Theme music by Chris Porter
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