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A Moment of Your Time

Episode 34 - "How Purpose Pulls Me Through" by Deborah Smith (in partnership with More Than You See)

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A purpose to battle the darkness. This episode is created in a Mental Health Awareness Month partnership with More Than You See. 

Deborah Lee Smith is an award-winning actor, producer, and founder of “More Than You See”, a non profit organization dedicated to sharing stories and resources surrounding the daily struggles of mental health. Recent projects include “Here Awhile” starring Anna Camp (Pitch Perfect), and “Last Three Days” starring Robert Palmer Watkins (General Hospital). She is based in Los Angeles, CA 

Find more of Deborah:

IG/ Twitter @Deborah_lsmith. 


A statement from Deborah: 

"Building More Than You See and it’s community has been such an important aspect of my life this past year. In the time of Covid19 and social distancing, I felt it was especially important to remind everyone that you are not alone. We are all experiencing different emotions and forms of trauma, but our individual experiences, and what gives you purpose on a day-to-day basis are all unique to you. I hope this piece gives you the courage and inspiration to find your own purpose which can be a shining light through dark times."

This is a Mental Health Awareness Month piece presented in association with More Than You See. 

More Than You See is a platform providing resources, personal stories, and a place to start diving into your mental health. Because we are all More Than You See.

IG: @Morethan_yousee

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