Episode 04 - "Eating the Leaves"
by A.J. Bermudez

She starts training for everything at once...
A. J. BERMUDEZ is an award-winning writer and director based in Los Angeles, California. Her work has been featured at the Yale Center for British Art, the International Festival of Arts & Ideas, Sundance Film Festival, and in a number of literary publications, including The Masters Review, Black Static, Iron Horse Literary Review, ConcÄ«s, Lunch Ticket, and more. She is a former boxer and EMT, winner of the Diverse Voices Award, and one of the ISA’s Top 25 Writers to Watch. She currently serves as Artistic Director of The American Playbook and is co-host of the podcast Two-Person Book Club, both available on iTunes.
Instagram: @a.j.bermudez
Twitter: @amandajbermudez
Website: http://amandajbermudez.com
This piece was originally written in response to some long-forgotten impending disaster. The world has since figured it all out, and everything is fine now.
"Eating the Leaves" was originally published in the Winter/Spring 2018 issue of Lunch Ticket.
Recorded: March 25, 2020 (edited by Daniel Easler).