Episode 67 - “A Year in the Life”
by Cris Eli Blak

The meaning of a year.
Cris Eli Blak is a writer and performer. He wrote the short film The Brother's Survivor, which was an award winner at the Worldfest Houston International Film Festival. He was commissioned by the Louisville Arts Network and Lift Up Lou to write his performance piece HOPE: Living as a Black Man in America, is a two-time poetry slam champion and has had his work produced, published and/or performed by Illuminate Theatre, Roaming Theatre Collaborative, Invisible Disco Productions, Earworm Audio Theatre Podcast, and Next Generation Stage Directors, among others. He is based in the United States.
Find more of Cris on Instagram: @criseliblak
A statement from Cris:
"This piece was written in 2018 to simply remind me to be grateful for what I had, not upset at the things I didn't. Now, though, the piece has taken on a whole new meaning. It means that life is a gift, a rare one, and everyday we wake up above ground is one where we have the potential to change lives, use our voice and spread as much knowledge, love and creativity as possible.
I just want to thank my family, friends and loved ones for keeping me humble while also keeping me confident. They are the reason I write, they are the reason I speak, they are the reason I work."