Episode 09 - “Eyes” by Michael Mau

A moment of eye contact.
A statement from Michael:
“I am an actor, teacher and father of twins trying to find a direction and stay strong for my 10-year-old twins.
I chose this story for its brevity, but also its gentle sweetness. When I wrote it, of course, touching someone else's hand in public wasn't forbidden.”
Michael Mau is a writer, teacher, father, runner, actor, tinkerer, artist, craftsman, and snappy dresser. Click here to see his acting reel.
“Eyes” was originally published in A3 Review.
Michael’s short fiction has appeared in Black Warrior Review, New Limestone Review, Portland Review, Fifth Wednesday, Mount Hope, Firewords Quarterly, Punchnel’s, Ferocious Quarterly, McSweeney’s, and other places.
Michael's current acting projects include the award-winning short film Fatherless, the award-winning comedy feature Our Scripted Life, and Last Holler. He voices characters in three narrative podcasts: “Haints”, a supernatural historical drama, “Big Sandy”, and the sci-fi thriller “Derelict”.
You can find Michael online at www.michaelmau.org or on Instagram @michael_mau_