Episode 19 - Vaccines and the Future of COVID with Epidemiologist
Dr. George Rutherford

World Class Epidemiologist and Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UCSF Dr. George Rutherford joins us to clear the air on vaccine questions, the sudden new cases of virus reinfection, and all things COVID-19.
There is so much information passing around the internet about the virus these days, that it’s such a breath of fresh air to have the renown Professor of Epidemiology and Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UCSF, Doctor George Rutherford, on to help illuminate some of the common questions, myths, and fears regarding the upcoming state of the vaccine as well as the roadmap for the US as it continues to battle COVID-19.
(3:00) Why does the US have such a larger case-per-million load than the world as a whole?
(4:48) Why did New York get hit so much harder than other densely populated US cities?
(7:08) Did COVID-19 expose the US as far too susceptible to bio-terrorism?
(8:23) To what degree do you lower your risk of contraction by wearing a mask?
(9:31) How should schools go about opening safely before there is a vaccine?
(10:13) Why exactly are younger children less susceptible to the virus than others?
(11:38) With kids going back to school, is it still safe to have grandkids over?
(13:50) Surface transmission demystified.
(14:34) Should we be wearing goggles or a face shield when out in public?
(15:48) The state of the Russian Vaccine.
(17:20) When will we be able to go back to live events?
(18:20) What is the roadmap like for vaccinating the country?
(21:28) Will a large portion of the country opting to not get the vaccine be too detrimental to its effectiveness?
(23:52) Safety and the vaccine.
(26:45) Will Dr. Taback and Dr. Rutherford take the vaccine right when it comes out?
(27:34) New York opening restaurants for dine-in at the end of the month.
(30:00) Have the odds of survival increased for the most vulnerable over the last few months?
(32:30) Why is Aspirin so bad to take when battling COVID-19.
(33:20) What’s the current thinking on reinfection.
(38:40) What would you do to fix the virus if you we’re the President of the United States?
(40:25) Climate change.
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Produced & Edited by: Aj Moseley
Hosted by: Dr. Steven Taback & Bill Curtis
Sound Engineering by: Michael Kennedy
Theme Music by: Celleste & Eric Dick